"Just costume": Naomi Watts can not reveal the details of the canceled attached "Games of the Thrones"


Currently, HBO is working on the multi-sieu-in-game "Game of Thrones" called the Dragon House, but it is known that the creators tried to run a number of other side projects. One of them was the series "Long Night", the main role in which Naomi Watts should fulfill. Despite the fact that the show never got the green light, the actress still does not have the right to talk about the captured pilot "Long Night". In the latest interview with Collider Watts said:

I still can not say anything to this day. It's funny because I have an account in Instagram and I also found something on my smartphone - you know, this feature with a reminder of the photos taken in the past. At that moment I was just in a suit on the set and thought: "Oh! It would be nice to lay out it! " But then I won myself, because because of this I would have problems. It was just a suit, you see? I did not think about my clothes, I thought about what we would take off. In any case, I can not talk about it.

Публикация от Naomi Watts (@naomiwatts)

According to the available information, in the "Long Night" the creators intended to deeper the history of Westeros and Essos, as well as to show the origin of white walkers. Watts noted that no one reminds her to keep silence about the "long night", but the actress and herself understands that some of the existing ideas can be used in further projects of the franchise.

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