Amber Herd accused Johnny Depp in total control: "He said not to remove naked"


At the next meeting of the court raised the topic of control of Johnny over the Ember. The actors asked if he was jealous when Herd was filmed in sexual scenes, and whether he tried to stop her.

Depp said that he was "not very comfortable" with the thought that the Ember undressing in front of the camera, but the main thing that he advised her not to be filmed in such scenes, "if she wants to be perceived as a serious actress."

Miss Hurd was unpleasant from the fact that it was perceived as a sex object. And she hoped she would offer more serious roles. She wanted her no longer had to be undressed on the set,

Said Johnny.

Amber Herd accused Johnny Depp in total control:

Ember lawyers argued that Depp controlled Hurd and even her choice of clothing. On this actor replied:

I never told her what to wear. But, of course, I did a remark when it seemed to me that her outfit would disagree with what she seeks. Because it [Frank clothes] would not help her look a more serious actress. I told her that she should not be filmed naked.

Amber Herd accused Johnny Depp in total control:

She was upset due to the fact that she was perceived as a sex object, and wanted to receive deeper and serious roles that would reveal her acting abilities. She complained to me that no longer wants to be a "cute larger," does not want to exhibit the boost or to take off naked. And I said: "Then you don't need to do it." She wanted my advice - I gave her advice. Unfortunately or fortunately, she continued to act in such films, and I thought she was above it,

- summed up Johnny.

Amber Herd accused Johnny Depp in total control:

We will remind, the court of Depp against the newspapers, who took the side of the Ember and wrote that the actor beat her when they were married. Johnny definitely denies the accusations of the manual design. The Ember also tells in court on the brown behavior of Johnny, his abuse of drugs and alcohol and mockery over her dogs.

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