Mountain from "Games of Thrones" became a father: photo kid


The 31-year-old Haftor Biernsson, the executor of the role of Grigor Koligan in the series "The Game of Thrones," became the Father for the second time. About this, he and his wife Kelcy Henson told Instagram.

Our beautiful boy committed his grand exit to the world at 11:19 am on September 26, 2020, after six tense, but quickly flying hours of childbirth. 3530 grams and 52 cm. The birth of a child has become the most powerful, changing life and an inspiring event from all that was in my life. We are fine, arrange at home - now the threesome,

- wrote in the microblog Kelsi, who became mom for the first time.

And Haftor noted on his page that after the birth of his son, he gladly called his eldest daughter Teresa Lif and told her that she was born a brother. The first child of Biernsson appeared in his past relations with the Telma Bjork Steinmann.

Haftor's wife used to work as a waitress. She and Bierenson met in 2017 at the bar, where Kelsey worked. She saw the famous actor and asked to make a joint photo. From the moment Haftor and Kelsey are inseparable. They got married in 2018 at the homeland of Bierenson, in Iceland.

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