Ex-participants "House 2" told how much you can earn on the show


The former residents of the "House 2" told the whole truth about the fees, and they changed abundantly in 15 years. According to anonymous insiders, only if you lasted on the show for three months, you are waiting for compensation in the amount of 90 thousand rubles. After that, payments will be monthly, but not fixed: the salary size will depend on the popularity of the participant and its entrepreneurial vein - additional income can be received from advertising and corporate events. Real stars "House 2" Total earn a few hundred thousand rubles per month.

In addition to bonuses, there are fines, editors strictly follow the behavior of their wards and punished by a ruble for mats and fights.


But there is also good news: the producers of reality are always happy to "recruits", so getting to the show (if you really want it) will not be much labor. The search for "fresh blood" is conducted on various vacancy sites, on social networks and even in nightclubs, where young people hang out. The main thing is that the candidate was to surprise the spectators of the main telestroyka of the country in the last years.

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