Keith Harrington no longer wants to play restrained "knights" after John Snow


Keith Harrington became famous, playing John Snow - a cold-blooded and volitional leader who saved Westeros from the king of the night and white walkers. But, as it turned out, the type of persistent silent hero, the actor by order fed up, and he does not plan to return to him. Of course, he has yet to be implemented in many ways the image of a black knight in the Marvel "eternal" blockbuster, but in the future, Harrington firmly intends to refuse to trusse the stereotypical vision of masculinity.

In a recent interview with The Independent Kit stated that he does not want to play silent heroes with depressed emotions. The actor believes that he would have supported the idea that severe men refuse emotions, considering their signs of weakness. According to Harrington, such thinking is the result of an inherited injury arising during World War II, and he believes that this is not the male role that is needed by society.

Keith Harrington no longer wants to play restrained

Harrington also told that his mother did not encourage stereotypes and often offered him to play with toys designed for girls. It helped the actor to grow more tolerant and open, and now it is ready to help other men throw a blow of silence. The actor confirmed that he would not appear as John Snow in any spin-offs "Games of Thrones", since it was finished with this role forever.

But the black knight, despite the overall similarity with Snow, just can help the actor broadcast the image of a strong man who does not hesitate to emotions. Still, the tone of the film marvel is not so gloomy, like the "Games of the Thrones", and even the most brutal characters are open about their feelings - for example, the same Drax. The black knight performed by Harrington may well become a new ideal for imitation, strong, but sincere and open, not trying to hide their emotions.

To see how clearly Harrington managed to formulate the message to all men, it is possible soon: "Eternal" start in cinemas on February 10, 2021.

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