72nd Award Award Ceremony 2020 will be held in online format


Executive producers of the AMMI awards ceremony announced that due to the coronavirus pandemic, the ceremony will pass in the online format. All nominees for the award were sent by the letter of the following content:

You probably have already guessed that we are not going to invite you on September 20 at Microsoft Theater in the center of Los Angeles. It is still the most important night of the year for the TV industry, but now we will come to you!

We collect the team of leading experts, screenwriters and producers who will work closely with you so that we get the opportunity to take you at home or anywhere else on your choice. Alone, with family members or who wish. We will help you look awesome: we will use advanced technology, we will provide good light and cameras. We look forward to working with you to create your unique image on the screen.

Now the producers of the ceremony work on the format of its holding and decide that it will be possible to spend live, and what to remove in advance. The nominees for the award were announced on Tuesday. The leader in the number of references was the NetFlix service, which received 160 nominations, in the second place of the NBO with 107 nominations.

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