May apricots ironically complained to "House 2": "Embank me, broke, Mental"


"How did I come ... this is from work in the collective farm, probably. The honorable age comes, soon 40, and the mind did not need, degraded from drugs that used in youth. Maybe this is all due to the depressiveness of my character? Or me too often I mention "House 2" in his posts? But who would I be without "House 2"? Socialized rustic with a bunch of complexes. As the project was strongly swore, broke, settled, "wrote apricots.

May apricots ironically complained to

He also ironically noted that he hit the religion from loneliness in the village, was not removed for a long time, because it's not called, and Olga "The Sun" of Nikolaev does not agree to marry him. Apricots tried to cover all rumors and gossip that appear on it in the network, and he turned out, in any case, the fans appreciated the post.

This is not the first time May rises the media and recall the project. In May, Aprikosov congratulated "House 2" with an anniversary, having posted that the project was not the same as before, and at the same time offered his services as a new "host" show.

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