Director "Deli suicide: the mission of the wavelet" confirmed that there will be no empty


After Warner Bros. Literally wrapped the "suicide detachment" David Ayra, finishing it by turning it, the fans were very worried, no matter how the same fate would have suffered a "suicide detachment: the mission of the word" James Gann. But the director is constantly being with the subscribers in touch and continues to calm them over again.

The filming of the film was completed at the beginning of this year, which made it one of the few projects that managed to avoid coronavirus problems. In recent months, the schedule of releases of Warner Bros. I changed, but "The squid's squad: the mission of the wavelet" confidently occupied the previous position and now it seems to be approaching one of the last stages of refinement.

Публикация от James Gunn (@jamesgunn)

And finally, the fans heard the words from Gunna, who were waiting for so long ago. The director said that there would be no film outlock.

This week we are refining a tape, but no additional frames will be needed,

- he said confidently. So now you can calm down and do not doubt: on the author's vision of James, who have long admire the fans, no longer affect.


"Suicide detachment: the mission of the wavelet" is still shut off the mystery, because, despite the fact that the network has photo characters and first frames from the film, the plot details are kept secret. Perhaps when the post-gallery tape will completely complete, Warner Bros. Pamps the audience a full trailer, which will break the light on what a threat will face a team of anti-robes this time. Recall, the premiere is scheduled for August 5, 2021.

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