When are the children? Justin Bieber Haley's wife answered the question of motherhood


Justin Bieber and Heyley Baldwin celebrated the second anniversary of the wedding and plan to make a child, but as it turned out, not now. In a new interview, Vogue Italia Heili admitted that after married, ceased to be in a hurry to become a mother.

Strange, but before I wanted to become my mother at an early age, and now, when I am married, I especially do not feel such a need. I am a girl with ambitions, I have a lot of projects. It will happen, but not now,

- Haley shared.

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Also, the 23-year-old model admitted that he could not get used to the publicity of relations with Justin Biber for a long time.

I could not understand how to be in a relationship with everyone in sight. But it's time when I had to take a reality, accept yourself, what we are. For a long time I could not kiss him in public, I did not like that at such moments they look at us. But I realized that, if you resist this, it would not protect you, but only exhaust. The fact is that we love each other, and there is nothing to hide

- said Justin's wife.

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The singer and model cherish their union and together study psychology and spiritual component of relations. Recently, they passed the rite of baptism, and Justin has repeatedly said that thanks to Haley changed her view of the relationship and became interested in the psychology of a man and a woman.

On the second anniversary of the wedding bieber left Hayley touching message:

I was so lucky to be your husband! Every day you teach me a new one and do me better. I undertaken for the rest of my life to give you the strength to be such a woman, what kind of God called you to be. I will do everything to fulfill your most brave dreams! I promise that I will always put you in the first place, I will lead you by myself with kindness and patience. With an anniversary, my beautiful cute girl.

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