Victoria Bonya comforted Olga Buzov: "Just don't think about him!"


"I'm happy. In its own way. I have a stunning life: your favorite job, concerts, shooting, faithful friends, travel. I have you, your recognition and love, thanks to which I live for the last three years. I have almost everything. In my life there are no you, where are you? " - Included Buzova in Instagram account in the past Tuesday. Victoria Bonya, who in September last year broke up with a billionaire Pierre Andyuran, supported a girlfriend: "He comes! Only you do not think about him, he will find you. Olya, a woman is the state of the island, and the man is a ship, he sticks to your shores! Just trust fate. "

Yana Rudkovskaya and many subscribers joined by Yana Rudkovskaya and many subscribers, some of which expressed their opinion on Olga's loneliness more sharp and coarse. "Can the requirements are too high? No one risks "," You have everything for happiness for happiness, why do you need a man? "," I'll have to wait for a long time, "said commentators.

In mid-June, Buzova published a photo with the former beloved Timothy Maitorem. The star provoked rumors about the reckoning to the ex-boyfriend after he turned to fans with the question whether they believe that they were reunited after the point in the relationship. However, judging by the last post, the friendship with the former thing was not gone.

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