Amber Herd and Johnny Depp arrived in court


Recall, the actor sues newspapers News Group due to history published in The Sun in 2018, which states that Depp beat his wife. The authors of the article relied on the words of Amber.

The judge stated that the jury this time would not and he would "make conclusions on the facts" and "decide". Most likely this is due to the limitations due to coronavirus. Some witnesses will testify on video calls from the USA, Bahamas and Australia. It is expected that the court will last for three weeks.

Amber Herd and Johnny Depp arrived in court 19903_1

Amber Herd and Johnny Depp arrived in court 19903_2

Amber Herd and Johnny Depp arrived in court 19903_3

In a statement published a few minutes before the start of the trial, spokesman Ember Herd said:

The Amber never asked that this proceedings took place. It was Johnny Depp that aroused this thing against the British newspaper and dragged her to the British court so that she would indicate about one of the most severe moments of her life.

Amber Herd and Johnny Depp arrived in court 19903_4

Amber Herd and Johnny Depp arrived in court 19903_5

Amber Herd and Johnny Depp arrived in court 19903_6

Earlier, as part of the depp, Deppa was asked to provide correspondence in which the words of Herd were supposedly confirmed that Johnny during the acts of violence was under the influence of drugs. We are talking about the specific correspondence of 2015, when Depp and Hurd lived together in Australia. In Texts, Depp allegedly orders drugs through their assistant. But then Johnny refused to provide correspondence. Let's see what the case will end.

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