Insider: The director "Batman" is experiencing due to the preparation of Robert Pattinson


Last week it became known that Studio Warner Bros. Postpayed the release of the film "Batman" for March 2022. Following this, anxious rumors about the discrepancy between the director Matt Rivz and the Contractor of the capital role Robert Pattinson, which makes doubt on the production of potential sequels.

According to the Youtube-blogger under the nickname Doomcock, during the forced break in the work of Pattinson launched his physical form, which did not like Rivzu. In this regard, the news about discovery from Pattinson COVID-19 allegedly is a cover, because in fact the actor was sent to the gym to roll up.

Insider: The director

Insider: The director

Initially, the news about the voltage between Rivz and Pattinson seemed dubious, but now this topic was continued. A few days ago, the director and a grid specialist in the horror films Gary J. Tannicliff gave an interview to the YouTube-channel Midnight's Edge, sharing his opinion about the situation around "Batman":

Yes, I heard someone else, supposedly Matt Rivz was simply shocked by the size of Robert Pattinson. The director was concerned about the fact that cascaders and dubers looked significantly larger than Pattinson. After that, of course, I tried to find out more and saw that there were already speculations on the network: they say, Pattinson should work on his body and increase the mass.

As you can see, the initial information is partially confirmed by another source, but whether the Rivz and Pattinson are really collapsed, it is still difficult to judge. It is possible that the actor already led himself in order and the conflict was exhausted. Whatever it was, work on "Batman" continues, as evidenced by the latest photos from the set.

Insider: The director

Insider: The director

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