The shooting of the "Jurassic World: Power" is again suspended due to coronavirus


And the day from the moment was announced by the transfer of the premiere of the "Peace of Jurassic: Power" from June 2021 for June 2022, as the news was received that the filming of the film was suspended. For several members of the film crew, the Coronavirus test gave a positive result. Despite the fact that repeated tests turned out to be negative, the security protocols used in the filming of the film require that in this case they were stopped for two weeks. Only if all the tests throughout all the tests will be negative, it is possible to resume filming.

The shooting of the

Initially, the shooting of the "Peace of Jurassic Power" was started in February of this year. In March, due to quarantine, they were interrupted indefinitely. In mid-July, resumed using appropriate security protocols to which the studio spent an additional five million dollars. Before this week, the shooting was shludred without incident. It was expected that they would end in approximately three weeks. Because of the ending the shooting posts until the end of November.

The shooting of the

The film became the second Hollywood blockbuster, the production of which was suspended. In September, the star of the film "Batman" Matt Rivza Robert Pattinson passed a positive analysis to Coronavirus. As a result, Batman's premiere was also transferred to 2022.

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