Shooting "Man-Spider 3" will start next week in New York


Marvel Studios and Sony are finally ready to begin the production of a third film about a spider person in the framework of the return home trilogy. According to topical data, the shooting will begin in New York on October 16, although it is known that at first the acting and the film crew will be on the site not in full force: there will be Tom Holland engaged in the screening of Uncharted, as well as director John Watts.

The working name of "Man-Spider 3" sounds like Serenity Now, that is, "has a calm". Signs with such a signature were arranged in different parts of New York, pointing out when the work begins. Apparently, due to the lack of the main actor and the director, the scenes will first be filmed.

Публикация от Jon Watts (@jnwtts)

In addition, the filmmakers will be resorted to innovative technology, for the use of which all members of the cast will pre-accumulate the system of visual effects. This will give an opportunity to add to the appearance of artists makeups, costumes and other details. In part, this technology is used in order to pull the shooting in a pandemic.

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