Justin Bieber requires 20 million dollars with "Victims of Violence" for slander


This week, several young artists immediately accused of sexual violence. Among them were the star "Baby on Drive" Esen Elgort, the star "Riverdale" Cole in Apawo and Justin Bieber. If Elgort and the Aspius only declared their innocence on social networks, the bieber took up to prove its non-involvement with the help of photos and documents. He promised to achieve justice and has already taken his business.

Justin Bieber requires 20 million dollars with

Journalists found out that Justin sued the slander on two unknowns, which Daniel and Cadi called themselves on social networks. According to official documents, Bieber has irrefutable evidence that sexual violence claims in 2014 and 2015 are "outrageous lies."

Recall, some Daniel said that the singer raped her in Austin, at the Four Seasons Hotel on March 9, 2014.

Let me clarify: there is no truth in this at all. I will prove that I was not even in this hotel. I really made a surprise to the public in Austin, appeared there on stage and sang a few songs. But then I was there with my ex-girlfriend Selenaya Gomez,

- These words Bieber accompanied by armor documents confirming that that day he was with Selena, and not at the Four Seasons Hotel, and at the Westin Hotel.

Another "victim" of the artist stated that he was sexually violence at the Langham Hotel on May 5, 2015 after Met Gala. Justin was really present at the event, but immediately after he went to a private party, where he stayed to 4 am, which can confirm the witnesses. Kadi also claims that was with biber at 02:30 in the morning.

Justin Bieber requires 20 million dollars with

Now the singer requires 10 million dollars with each of the accusers.

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