Media: in "Fantastic Twars 3" will appear Hagrid and Volan de Mort


In the Spin-Off series, Harry Potter "Fantastic Creatures" The spectators have already seen the young Dumbledore (Jude Low), Nagaine in the image of a person (Claudia Kim), and still mentioned in the film "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" Gellert Green de Walda (Johnny Depp) and Nicholas Flamel (Bronchis Khodorovski). WE GOT This Covered portal reports that this list can be replenished in the third part. According to the portal of unconfirmed information available from journalists, in the film, you can expect the appearance of the Hagrid rubbeus in the performance of Robbie Coltreine and the Young Reddla, which is only to become a Wolan de Mort.

Media: in

According to Independent editions, the appearance of bright villains from Joan Rowling books and films filmed in the third part of the "fantastic creatures" can attract Harry Potter fans in cinemas that did not look at the first two parts.

Earlier it was reported about rumors that the action of "fantastic creatures 3" will occur during World War II, so the audience should expect epic battle scenes.

The premiere of the film "Fantastic Twar 3" is scheduled for November 12, 2021.

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