Viggardium Levios! Fans of "Harry Potter" offer to learn in Hogwarts online


When events outside the house are not amenable to control, it's time to surround yourself with magic. For this you just need to become a student of the virtual version of Hogwarts. The social network Hogwarts Is Here has existed for a long time, but it's hardly someone had enough time for all these years to fully immerse yourself in the world of mysterious spells and miraculous potions.

Viggardium Levios! Fans of

The website offers all Harry Potter fans to sign up for the most popular learning courses. In total, their seven: astronomy, grass, spells, history of magic, potion, transfiguration and protection against dark arts. By the way, it is interesting whether the teacher managed to find a teacher who will lead the last item for longer than a year.

To choose the faculty to everyone owns independently, since the distribution hat on the site is not provided, but otherwise everything is built in the same way as in the film. Anyone can compete for the place of the head and go through all seven years of study in Hogwarts, participating in quizzes and competitions. True, the standards of teaching the magic that the heroes of the film were afraid, except, perhaps, Hermione, do not have to take.

Viggardium Levios! Fans of

Those who are more interested in life out of occupation will also find something to do. For example, you can join other players on the field for Kviddich, sit in the living rooms or stroll to Hogsmid. Of course, in this case, the headlights can not be calculated on the role of the role, but, on the other hand, it is not necessary for everyone.

Viggardium Levios! Fans of

While the fate of the third part of "fantastic creatures" is again hidden by the uncertainty due to the coronavirus pandemic, the site Hogwarts is here is an ideal place to brighten expectation and longing to the magical world. The main thing is to remember what to say "Levios", and not "Levios".

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