It happened: Castiel admitted Dina Winchester in love in the 15 season "Supernatural"


As soon as the "supernatural" fans managed to move away from one shock, as one more followed. In the episode called "Despair" something happened that very upset the audience - Castiel died. After admitted to Dinina Winchester in love.

Recall, according to the plot of CAS (Misha Collins), he concluded a deal with a void, according to which he could live his life until the true happiness experience. And this moment came in the 18th series 15 seasons. The price of his life Cass saved Dina (Jensen Ecls) from death (Lisa Berry), discontinuing his feelings before that.

I always wondered how my true happiness could look like? And did not find a response. Because the only thing I want, I can not get. But, it seems, now I know that happiness is not to have,

Said Castiel Dina.

He tried to convince Winchester that he was not at all as they see his enemies.

You are the most caring person on earth, the most disinterested and loving. You changed me

- admitted CAS. And when Dean asked why his speech is like goodbye, Angel replied:

Because it is it. I love you. Farewell, Dean.

The fans of the show were divided into views: some decided that the recognition was romantic nature, others considered that it was about fraternal love. In favor of the First Opinion, there is a passage from the script published on the network, which says that "Dean cannot answer reciprocity, but the CAS does not need it."

Anyway, the creators are already unlikely to fall into details, since only two final series remains ahead, the last of which will be released on November 19.

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