Daniel Radcliffe told how he ordered money earned since the time of "Harry Potter"


Many stars together with big money will be seen and irrepressible passion for waste, but it is clearly not about Daniel Radcliffe. Although the actor became megapopular thanks to the role of Harry Potter, he never ceases to be a simple guy who is not inclined to silent money.

The other day, Daniel visited the podcast Full Disclosure and during a conversation with the leading James O'Brien told that he had time to spend a very small part of his income from shooting in a saga about the magic world.

I am not particularly extravagant. There are even moments when I think that really bad in the ability to be famous,

- Actor confessed.

Daniel Radcliffe told how he ordered money earned since the time of

And, perhaps, it is the desire for an ordinary life that gives Radcliffe the opportunity to always choose roles in the soul, and not to be attached to the fees, as his colleagues do, who are more like luxury. And if he was chased only for high-budget projects, hardly fans had the opportunity to see him in the film "Man - Swiss Knife", one of the strangest in modern cinema.

Daniel Radcliffe told how he ordered money earned since the time of

By the way, during the entire existence of the Harry Potter franchise, Daniel managed to earn about $ 100 million, and it's nice to think that even with such a capital, he quietly costs without houses around the world and serving army. And those who are interested in new works of Radcliffe, be sure to watch the series "Wonderworkers", in which Steve Bushemi is also removed.

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