Vera Brezhnev about his personal life with Konstantin Meladze: "He likes when I am without clothes"


In an interview, 37-year-old Vera Brezhnev talked about women's beauty and strength, but noted that he could not do without male energy. The singer said that after the first divorce, one with two children remained, which was why I turned into that very woman that "the horse will stop the horse, and in the burning hut will go." However, according to the star, she likes to be a weak woman next to a strong man, with which she was very lucky.

My husband over the past few years has become a real support for me. He says that the most beautiful I am in the morning when I disheveled your hair and there is no grams of cosmetics. He likes when we are alone and I am without clothes, and I don't care at all, whether I have a press cube,

- told Vera.

Vera Brezhnev about his personal life with Konstantin Meladze:

Nevertheless, Brezhnev persistently works on his appearance and carefully cares for himself, although its efforts are always not enough for the haters.

Funny to read the comments about that something is wrong with me and in general it is time for me to make blepharoplasty. I react to Haters with humor. Humor disarms and very often even if it does not solve the problem, it accurately reduces the degree of heat. From the moment that I understood this simple truth, it became much easier for me to live. And if you stop taking too seriously to yourself, learn to laugh at yourself, then life will play new paints,

- Cerented the singer.

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