Jensen Ekls told how the final "supernatural" changed due to coronavirus


Before the start of the Pandemic shooting of the final season, the series "Supernatural" should be completed in early April, while the premiere of the final series was scheduled for May 17. In connection with force majeure circumstances, the show had to end in September with the observance of restrictions and measures prescribed in official security protocols. But did the COVID-19 influence the fate of the Winchesters brothers? In an interview with Entertainment Weekly Jensen Ecls, performing the role of Dean, answered:

When the original draft of the final series came to me, I read it with the eyes of an ordinary fan, because I was worried about the main thing: "How do they all gather together?" I knew what the series would end, but I did not know exactly how it will be furnished, so I read the script quickly. It was still in early March, after which I postponed this thing. Then hit the COVID, and we all went to the break. I then thought that the plot could still change, so I just remains to wait until the updated version of the script appears. To be honest, in fact, nothing was not changed. Some details were corrected, but the ending remained exactly the same.

Jensen Ekls told how the final

One of the shusrans "Supernatural" Andrew Dubb added to this that the scenario of the final episode was indeed rewritten. In particular, in the twentieth series, the creators had to abandon some of the planned things, because in conditions of the pandemic it was no longer possible to implement.

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