Jessica Chestain, Penelope Cruz, Luita Niongo and other supergins in the trailer "355"


The network appeared in the network the first trailer of the spy militant "355" director Simon Kinberg. Official synopsis picture says:

The team of dreams of women-stars united in a tough original approach to the genre of spy films.

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When the mercenaries fall into the hands of mercenaries, the agent of Mais Brown (Jessica Chestain) is to unite efforts with the German Marie Agent (Dian Kruger), the former agent MI-6 and a computer specialist of Hadidge (Litage Niongo) and an experienced Columbian psychologist Graciel (Penelope Cruz ) To fulfill a deadly mission to search for weapons. At the same time, in the footsteps of the team there is a mysterious woman Lin Mi Sheng (Fan Binbin), which tracks every movement.

As the action extends all over the globe, from Paris's cafe to Morocco markets and Shanghai parties, the quartet of women will try to protect this fragile world.

Sebastian Stan and Edgar Ramirez also starred in the film.

"355" - called the first in the American history of a woman spy, operating in the XVIII century on the side of the colonies during the war of independence. But the film is in no way connected with the story. The premiere is scheduled for January 15, 2021.

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