Selena Gomez about his personal life: "Lonely two years, only me and my dog"


Fans of Selena Gomez are looking forward to her new album - the first in four years. During this time, Selena experienced a heavy gap with a boyfriend Justin Biber, who after parting with her married Hayley Baldwin. New songs Gomez for the most part are devoted to this moment of life.

Selena Gomez about his personal life:

In an interview, Selena said that for two years it is not found with anyone.

I need to be alone. I love at the end of the day to go to my room ... where there is only me and my dog. I have been absolutely bachelor life for two years, and I absolutely do not mind

- said in an interview star.

Selena Gomez about his personal life:

Selena Gomez about his personal life:

Recently, 27-year-old Selena often talks about his physical illnesses. It is known that the singer suffers from lupus, and last year she transplanted the kidney. The donor was a girlfriend star Franci Rice.

The lupus itself was a huge test, and the history with the kidney is still terrible, because there was a real probability to die. The operation was supposed to last two hours, but because of the complications it was made seven hours. This is what makes me get up and go. I am happy that at least alive,

- Selena shared.

Selena Gomez about his personal life:

Selena Gomez about his personal life:

Health problems Gomez were accompanied by mental disorders.

I feel that I had to go through all this. I had a low self-esteem - I still work on it. But I feel strong because it began to understand what is happening in me. In life, I managed to take a highly taken away, but I have quite serious drops, knocking out of the gauge for a long time. I realized that I really have mental problems, and, frankly, it became easier for me. I realized that I could get help and find the right people who could trust. Thanks to the right treatment, my life has become fundamentally changing,

- told the singer.

Selena Gomez about his personal life:

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