Star of "Very Strange Affairs" Finn Wolfehard told Raan Reynolds as he copes with glory


Interview with 16-year-old Wolfhard held a 43-year-old Ryan Reynolds. In the conversation, Finn told about his family, directorial debut and what the glory means at such a young age.

Reynolds noted that he has a lot of common friends with his Finn, and they all describe young dating as a "landed, disciplined, smart and charming young man." To the question of Ryan, how many Wolfhard paid for such a flattering reviews, the actor replied that all this is the merit of his family.

I have wonderful parents, a wonderful family that supports me, but at the same time keeps in the cord. Discipline praised me in a strange way when I was 7 or 8 years old,

Said Finn.

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Also Wolfehard said that he wanted to become a director when he learned about the prestigious School of Art of Tish in New York. He was going to do there after graduating from high school, but he took up the actor and his first directorial experience received, responding to the announcement on the Craigslist website.

There is a young band from Vancouver, and I made it one of the first clips. After that I really enjoyed on the set. I wanted to make friends worldwide. It makes no sense to be Mu ***** and make yourself enemies,

- told Wolfhard. He added that being a director for him - it means to walk on the verge:

All my favorite directors are provocateurs, they touch forbidden. I hope that as a film player I can say with my art what I want.

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Finally, Finn said, what is it that he is famous for 16 years.

While I am not 18, I consider me a child-actor, it is pretty fashionable today. When it comes to the actors' children, everyone thinks that they go to crazy parties and hang out with the stars in the clubs. But I don't care how it all looks like that in Instagram, many strange subscribers appear in Instagram. I appreciate all this, but I'm not here for this,

- noted the actor.

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Then they asked him how he copes with glory.

I think about the ultimate goal and what I all,

- replied Finn.

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