Bone wide: Ashley Graham told in an interview with Vogue, which could not lose weight


Already quite a 32-year-old Ashley Graham and her husband Justin Erwin will become parents. In a conversation with Vogue, the model told how pregnancy influenced her. Ashley admitted that her pregnancy was frightened:

It seems to me that it is normal - to experience fear and not be like all these women who are "oh, pregnancy, it is so wonderful!" Well, you are scared, and nothing about it.

According to Ashley, one day she calmed her Kim Kardashian, who said that pregnancy could not be difficult, but the childbirth should pass easily.

Bone wide: Ashley Graham told in an interview with Vogue, which could not lose weight 20614_1

Graham also told about how recovered during this period and felt lonely:

I always control my body, even when I start pointing to what I should be. But now inside me another life, and she says: "Now it is not yours, it is mine." And better I will give her. There was a time when I was lonely and had no one to talk to. And I rapidly gained weight. Then my stylist Jordan Foster advised me to have pregnant girlfriends. Among my friends, there were no such friends. And now I got a nine pregnant girlfriends.

As the magnifying model told, no diet helped her lose weight. But as a result, Ashley took his body, and it was perfectly affected by her career.

I have never been thin, so I don't know what it is. But some people said that I would cost to lose weight. I tried all famous diets, and they did not work. Because I am a magnificent woman - wide-speed, healthy, grown on the corn girl from Nebraska. But one day I took it. And the more confident I became, the higher my career took off,

- shared in an interview with Graham.

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