Insider spoke about the first days of Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas as parents


A week ago, Joe Jonas and Sophie Terner for the first time became parents: the pair had a daughter called Will. Insider told a little about how young family is now:

They are already at home, catching up, get used to. Joe is very involved in parental affairs, does everything for a child, he loves her daughter very much and helps Sophie. They are very happy to become parents, after the birth of the baby called friends on FaceTime, showed it. All about them are very happy.

Rumors that the star of the Games of the Thrones and her spouse musician is preparing to become parents, appeared in February. Couple until the latter tried to keep pregnancy Sophie secretly.

Insider spoke about the first days of Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas as parents 20813_1

Jonas and Turner began to meet in 2016. A year later, they announced the engagement, and in May 2019 got married in Las Vegas.

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Sophie often talks about his chosen one in an interview. Once she admitted that "was ready to remain lonely until the end of his life," until Jonas met. The actress told about the first date with Joe: she did not expect it to like it, but everything turned into the best way. Both came to the first meeting with their friends.

Joe led a friend with him, and they drank as much as we. With him a couple of minutes we were together on the dance floor, and then found a free place in the far corner and just talked. We talked with him for hours. And I was not bored. It was not a secular conversation - everything was very simple. Soon we became inseparable. And then I went with him on tour,

- Shared actress.

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