Margot Robbie told how reluctance retains: "Obsessed tea"


Actress and Star "Suicide detachment" Margo Robbie told how she manages to support his tightened sports figure. Artist's diet for details shared in an interview with Women's Health.

So, during the conversation with the celebrity, which the role of Barbie dolls is to be fulfilled, journalists asked how Robbi was able to achieve such an attractive figure, which many consider the reference in modern Hollywood. According to the artist, she has a special diet, which she has been held for several years.

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"My breakfast usually consists of oatmeal and a cocktail that increases immunity. For lunch, I eat a chicken salad, and for dinner - a steak of tuna with a battoo. During the day, I drink tea, which is simply obsessed since it lived in the UK, "says the artist.

She also noted that it was practically eliminated from their diet sweets and carbohydrates, but such restrictions with difficulty are given a star, as the food in her life occupies a great place.

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"Food for me is very important. I adore hamburgers and Potatoes Friend, who order with a pint of beer. In the US, my favorite dish is a double truffle burger from the American network Umami Burger, "the" Suicide detachment "star shares.

But Robbie is not limited to a diet: it is actively engaged in sports. For example, she is a lovers of Pilates, as well as dances or active games like tennis.

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