Hoakin Phoenix honored the memory of the Hit Ledger during the Actors Guild Prize


Last weekends were marked by the Sag Awards 2020 awards awards ceremony. The prize for the best male role was expected to go to Joaquin Phoenix, who played the broken Arthur Fale in the Blockbuster Warner Bros. "Joker". In his Thanksgiving speech, the actor mentioned Hit Ledger, who embodied the same image in the "Dark Knight" Christopher Nolan. For this role, Ledger was posthumously awarded the Oscar award.

Hoakin Phoenix honored the memory of the Hit Ledger during the Actors Guild Prize 21060_1

I stand here thanks to my beloved actor, hit a wilderness. Thank you,

- said Phoenix. Although their films are not associated with a general narration, both give unique features to the well-known character of comics. Earlier, the star of the masterpiece Todd Phillips in an interview at the Venetian Film Festival mentioned that in no case was trying to embody Joker's features already shown on the screen, as he wanted to put the character with unique features, to make his personal contribution.

The attractiveness in the creation of the hero was to me in the fact that we were going to approach him in our own way, so there is no reference to previous iterations,

- noted Phoenix. And yet it is obvious that the Ledger's experience largely helped him in understanding Joker and creating the most unique image that has already brought the film as many awards.

The next step will be the ceremony of presenting the statuette of the Oscar award. It will be held in the Hollywood Dolby theater on February 10.

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