Uncle Nigan? The star "Walking Dead" discussed a possible meeting with the son of Maggie


Jeffrey Dean Morgan predicts that in the eleventh season of the series "Walking Dead" his hero Nigan will have a friendly relationship with Herchel, the eight-year-old Son Glenn (Stephen Yun), as well as Maggie (Lauren Cohen). Hearshel was born during the eighteen months missed eighteent months, which share the events of the eighth and ninth season "Walking Deads". Nigan spent all this time plus for another six years behind bars, serving a penalty for a number of his crimes, including the murder of Glenn in front of his pregnant wife. Hearshel left the colony Hilltop along with his mother when Maggie agreed to help Georgie (Jane Atkinson) to establish a new commune somewhere in the long-range edges.

Nigan definitely nourishes weakness to the younger generation - we have repeatedly converted to witnessing it. It seems to me that he gets a very honest relationship with children. At the same time, I do not think that he would have tried to hide from children who he really is. He would try to cope with this,

- Morgan said in the course of the online conference on the "Walking Deadians" in the framework of the Comic Con festival.

Uncle Nigan? The star

Nigan deserves respect Mishonne (Danaj Gurir), when he risked his life, rushing to Buran to save Judith Greims (Kayli Fleming). Nigan also became a father's figure for the orphaned Lydia (Cassi McCline). Hearshel can become another Nigan ward - in the event that his boy's mother will not kill him.

I think this option is possible. Let's see, yet I am not a screenwriter show. It may happen that Maggie will see the other side of Nigan. Of course, at first she just wants to kill him, but let's see what happens from it,

- Morgan added.

Uncle Nigan? The star

Over the past couple of years, Nigan really has changed, depressing from the image of a cruel villain. The hero stepped onto the way of redemption, so his reconciliation with Maggie would be a very important event.

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