"Director Zaparov": Naomi Watts told about the worst listening to the movies


Now Naomi Watts is one of the most famous actresses of Hollywood. But it was not always: to the premiere of the cult "Malkolland Drive", she was unsuccessfully tried in many films and television shows. Speaking the other day at Radoshou, 52-year-old Watts told about one of these listening, which she remembered for life.

"I stopped to ask a question, looked, and everything looked as if the director was treated," the artist remembered. As Naomi admitted, then she dreamed of falling under the ground only in order not to be in the studio. Moreover, how to behave next to his sleeping director, she did not imagine.

That is why the main advantage of the fame of Watts calls the opportunity to compact the stage of samples and immediately be approved for the role.

In addition, during the conversation Naomi shared an episode from the past, when her countryman - Australian Russell Crowe - at the beginning of a career slept on her sofa in Los Angeles.

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"He had many meetings, and he did not want to spend money on the hotel, so I stayed with me a couple of times," she said.

Russell, who has already been 56 years old, participated in several Australian theatrical productions, before in 1987 he received a role in the television series "Neighbors".

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