Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom spend Christmas holidays in Hawaii


A couple was seen on the beach resort in the Pacific Ocean on the island of Kauai, where she actively spent time on the beach, engaged in snorkeling. Together with them, the son of Orlando from Marriage with Miranda Kerr, 7-year-old Flynn, went to the Hawaiian Islands.

Bloom and Perry regularly prefer the active types of recreation on the water - which only those famous photos of the star "Lord of the Rings" on Seref in 2016, which Internet users still want to see without "squares".

It seems that in the relationship of the actor and singer, everything is really good, and those disagreements, because of which the lovers parted in March 2017 were far behind. Recall that for some time the Western tabloids write about the engagement of Katie and Orlando, but they themselves did not give any comments on this bill.

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