Already worry? Katy Perry compared Orlando Bloom on Quarantine with Halk


Katy Perry talked with fans on Live, where he told about domestic life on a quarantine with her fiancé Orlando Bloom.

Those who at the ninth week quarantine are all good - just psychos. I, for example, turn into a shrek (in terms of size), and Orlando turns into a Hulk,

- noted the singer.

According to Katie, her habits are planning life and control everything around in a quarantine conjunction.

I love planning. I'm planning everything. Recently, I was simply turned on control and perfectionism. And now all who tried to plan something and control, simply drive. And I drove. Everyday. But I also write off it on the fact that I am pregnant. I first bear a child, and a lot of unknown ahead for me. In Los Angeles recently extended the regime of self-insulation - it may last until August. So I decided that I would just trust professionals,

- Shared Katie.

Already worry? Katy Perry compared Orlando Bloom on Quarantine with Halk 21475_1

Earlier in May, Katie came out a new video for the song Daisies. Because of the quarantine clip Perry turned out rather modest. He was filmed on nature, director of the director Lisa Voloshin acted as director. The clip is notable in that it is completely stripped in it pregnant Cathy.

I wrote this song a couple of months ago as a call to stay the right path, which you chose yourself, no matter what others think. Recently, it has acquired a new meaning for me in the light of what the whole world is now experiencing,

- wrote Katie in Twitter after the release of the song. In August, the singer will have a new album.

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