Men dream of Jennifer Aniston, Women - About George Clooney


Among women, Jennifer Aniston became the leader: 22% of men chose her as the one with whom they would like to celebrate the New Year. The second place was taken by Halli Berry, she preferred 18% of those who voted men, the third place from Scarlett Johansson, she has 17%. The top five Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox are closed, they have 13% and 12%, respectively.

Among the men, George Clooney became the leader: he was preferred by 28% of those who voted women. The second place in Johnny Depp from 27%, the third - Ryan Reynolds from 18%. The fourth and fifth place occupied Brad Pitt with 12% of the vote and Ryan Gosling with 7%.

Interestingly, who became leaders in this survey, Jennifer Aniston and George Clooney together were leading recently and in another survey: "Who would you like from famous women and men to see how a couple in life?". Indeed, Aniston and Clooney could make an excellent pair, because they have so much in common. Both are stable are "American pets" since the 90s, both - "Prize" from the most popular American TV series "Friends" and "Ambulance", both began to be content with a successful TV career and achieved heights in a large cinema, becoming over time actors category "A"; Both are focused not only on the actuality, but also very successfully produce and refer; At the same time, neither An Aniston nor Clooney is loaned on themselves and career, they oversee medical funds, participate in charitable events.

And Jennifer, and George adore their friends, and colleagues on the workshop, at least once worked with them, and journalists and simple audience - for their charisma, for unsurpassed senses of humor and style, for the fact that these two are enchanted from time to time, and Looking at which the surrounding also seems like "The world is painted with colored paints." At the same time, in life and Aniston, and clubs were both "black", "white stripes", everyone experienced a serious family drama and a heavy divorce at one time, both since then do not want to miss themselves to be married again, and therefore it is not surprising that Both have long been enviable fiance and bride among the famous hollywood bachelors, even if they are found to someone.

It is also clear that why some would like to see these two together. But with each other, George Clooney and Jennifer Aniston - old friends and always were only those. Judging by the type by which they choose the "second halves", these two might find happiness in each other, but apparently annener, and clubs prefer to see someone easier and notion. And maybe one day having fallen in love and once and permanently lied, these two since then they are not solved falling in love and prefer to love them. As they say, in a pair, one loves, the other allows you to love. And sorry if someone would go to the meeting, it could get a decent couple.

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