Eddie Redmein and Jamie Dornan competed for a role in a canceled film video game Bioshock


The BioShock video game series could get an emission seven years ago, but the film was canceled a few weeks before the shooting start. However, Castingb at that time was already in all the way and the producers were taught to participate in the actors of Actors Eddie Redmonyna and Jamie Dornan, and on the same role. This was told by one of the participants of the race for the role.

"Do you remember the adaptation of Bioshock? We [with Dornan] were in a rage on each other, when the samples were held and fought for the same role, "the words of Eddie Redmene reports the edition of ScreenRant.

The actors at that time were not only the best friends, but also their neighbors. They moved together from the UK to the United States to gain peace in Hollywood, shot one apartment for two and were on Meli. Therefore, competition for the same role could drive a serious wedge between friends. However, the film was landfills in the production pressure long before the start of the filming. As a result of creative disagreements with director of Verbinski and because of other irresistible obstacles, the Studio decided to close the project for 8 weeks before the start of the filming.

However, without participation in the adaptation of the game Bioshock, Dornan and Redrene managed to conquer Hollywood. The latter took part in several films applying for Oscar, in the end, still having received a cherished statuette, and after starring in the popular franchise "Fantastic creatures and where they dwell." Dornan managed to get the role of Christian Gray in the film with the famous erotic bestseller "50 shades of gray".

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