Everything is serious: Nicole Sherezinger met the parents of Tom Evans


Roman 44-year-old Nicole Sherezinger and 35-year-old athlete Tom Evans is gaining accelerated rev.. After the opening of the borders, the victims of the first thing flew out of London to Portugal to see the parents of Tom. Pussycat Dolls soloist for the first time met with mom and dad chosen one, and this is a serious step for the further development of relationships.

Probably, if not a coronavirus pandemic, acquaintance with a couple Evans would take place much earlier. After all, the former rugbean held Christmas with the relatives of the singer, and the trip to his parents would be a response step.

Everything is serious: Nicole Sherezinger met the parents of Tom Evans 21607_1

Recall that Nicole and Tom got acquainted last fall on the set of the show X Factor and already in a literally after a couple of months began to live together. It seems that compatibility check was successful, throughout the tightened Quarantine Sherezinger and Evans pleased the subscribers funny video.

In addition, Sherezinger no longer wants to spend his time. By her shoulders, she had an unsuccessful experience of relationships with Rider Lewis Hamilton, who for 8 years did not suggest her to marry. Now all hope for Evans, we are waiting for the cherished ring on the nameless finger of the singer.

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