Writer "Torah" planned the appearance of Hella in the first film


Thor (Chris Hemsworth) joined the filmmaken Marvel in 2011, and since then has become one of the leading superheroes. True, on the eve it turned out that Zak Stenz, the screenwriter of the debut film about the God of Thunder, little knew about the comics and the prototype of the character at the time when he was offered the work. The writer had to urgently dive into the work of Stan Lee and other legendary creators of comics, and at the same time to undergo an accelerated course on the Scandinavian mythology, but the help of his colleague Ashley Edward Miller, who knew about the Torah literally everything turned out to be very powerful.


It was Miller who advised the wall to remove a funny episode from the goddess of the death of Heloi, who planned to include in the first part of the franchise. According to the writer, the character of Wolstagg should have pronounced the phrase "what the hell" and for this, a terrible look of Hella herself. There was a game of words, because the English word Hell, denoting hell, is consonant with the name of the daughter of Odin.


By the way, Miller did not explain the wall why Hele is not a place in the first part of the "Torah", but it is likely that Marvel has already planned the trajectory of the franchise's development and decided to save the heroine. As a result, the goddess of death appeared in the movie "Thor: Ragnarök" - Kate Blanchett played it there. Unfortunately, part of the franchise she stayed at all long, because in the same film Hell was waiting for the end. However, it is not a fact that she died finally, because this moment was not shown, so it is likely that Marvel will find a way to return the character in the franchise.

In the meantime, the fans are looking forward to the premiere of the fourth film about God thunder. "Thor: Love and Thunder" will be released on the screens in February 2022.

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