Rumor: Johnny Depp talks with Marvel


Due to the scandalous divorce with the Amber Herd Johnny Depp lost a highly profitable role of Jack Sparrow in the Franchise "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea" and will be forced to spend a lot of time in court. However, there are many other franchises in which he can play.

The actor has a permanent role of Green de Wald's wizard in the foxy of "fantastic creatures", and in the near future it will be busy on setting the third part of the adventure of Newt Salamantera. After a sudden turn, the role of Jack Sparrow is lost and the role of Jack Sparrow is lost. Producer Franchise Jerry Brookhaymer considers options to return this character, but not sure what size the role will be in new films.

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Concerned about the future Johnny Depp's old friend Robert Downey Jr. offered the actor to join the Sherlock Holmes team. Although it is unknown, in what role, but the eccentric talent should look great in the form of a Victorian gentleman.

The WE Got This Covered portal reports that the actor is close to the conclusion of another transaction. He negotiates with Marvel Studios and is preparing to take part in one of their future projects. According to insiders, the actor can play one of the three roles. He may be a hunter for heads - an antagonist of a ghostly rider; Corvakom - the enemy of the avengers; As well as Corsary / Christopher Summers, the father of the people of X Cyclope and Havoka. The latter possesses in the comics of the same silent mustache as Captain Jack Sparrow. So far, neither the studio nor the representatives of the actor confirm this information.

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