A photo of Salma Hayek has flowed into the network in the form of an adjak from the "eternal"


Because of the coronaviru pandemic and the problems caused by it in the film industry there was a paradoxical situation. The film "Eternal" has not yet entered the screens, and the shops have already begun to advertise goods designed for film fans. The website of the Argentine online store Mercadolibre has pictures of Heroine Adjaca from Eternals Marvel Legends toy line. The figure of the eternal leader comes with two replaceable heads, one in the headdress, and the other with the flowing hair. On the back of the box, a brief description of the heroine is given, which it is reported that it has the ability to heal people and contact the clerks.

Salma Hayek, the executor of the role of Adjak, in an interview once mentioned that he was enthusiastic from joining the film marvel:

The eternal are similar to losers, but in fact they are superheroes, and I head them. Why not? Let's do that! Such a description made me think that the film would differ from all previous superhero films. And so it is!

A photo of Salma Hayek has flowed into the network in the form of an adjak from the

Eternal - ancient aliens, secretly living on earth for thousands of years. After the events of "Avengers: Final", they are forced to get out of the shadows and unite in the fight against devians. Help them will be the god-like creatures of the Kezaleals.

The premiere of the film "Eternal" is scheduled for February 10, 2021, but rumors have already appeared that it can be transferred to May.

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