Schadvik Bowzman managed to voice the black panther for the animation series "What if ...?"


Insider Daniel Richtman said that shedvik Bowzman could have time to voice the black panther for the series "What if ...?". So far, this information has no official confirmation. But if it turns out to be true, it will be the last role of Bousty, who died last Friday at home in Los Angeles after four years of fighting cancer. Message Richtman says:

"I found out that Chadwick managed to voice his role for" what if ...? ". It will be the last time we will see / hear T'ochu. "

"What if…?" - This is the animated series of Marvel Studios Studios, in which it will be described that it would be if the famous events of the film would develop differently. The first season of the series will consist of 10 episodes. His premiere is scheduled for the summer of 2021. It is known that in one of the series, the Black Panther will become a star Lord from the Guardians of the Galaxy. The sound of the series has begun last year. And if the creators of the series knew about the diagnosis of booism, they could give him the opportunity to be one of the first to sign up for the series.

It also appeared rumors that in response to the requirements of fans not to look for a new actor on the main role in the "Black Panther 2" it is planned to rework the scenario of the film, transmitting the ability of the black panther sister T'chal Shuri.

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