Ben Affleck shared his thoughts about Robert Pattinsone in the role of "Batman"


Ben Affleck has already arisen with himself the powers of Batman in the extended DC Universe, but the actor still follows the cinematic fate of this religious character. In the upcoming film Matt Rivza "Batman" The role of a dark knight will fulfill Robert Pattinson, and Affleck is confident that his younger colleague will be able to win the benefits of the audience:

I think Robert is a magnificent artist, so I have no doubt that he will manifest himself from the best side.

Also Affleck briefly commented on his departure from the role of Batman. According to the actor, the reason for such a decision is that over time he has lost interest in this hero:

The film deserves that only those who desperately want to work on it and is looking forward to such a chance. At that time I did not comply with such requirements, so I decided to move on.

Meanwhile, the work on the new "Batman" has already started. Recently, Matt Rivz presented test shots with Pattinson in the battleship, and now the network has photos and video from the film from the film. Snapshots allow you to consider the updated equipment of Batman in more detail, while in the video Cascadener in a dark knight costume rushes on a balm dockey along the streets of Glasgow, where shooting are now.

The premiere of "Batman" will take place on June 24, 2021.

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