Regium Padda lean rumors that he is the next James Bond


The 31-year-old regue Jean Page became widely known after the role of Duke Hastings in the popular TV series "Bridgeertons". The British actor receives high feedback from colleagues and spectators, and recently began talking about the fact that Page could become new James Bond after Daniel Craig left the franchise.

In the new interview with The Mirror Regium shared thoughts about the idea of ​​becoming a new agent 007. The actor admitted that he flattered it, and he binds it to the fact that he was Briton. "It seems to me that conversations that you can become James Bond, sooner or later begin if you are a British actor and do something remarkable. People notice this and begin to discuss. I think it is quite normal. I flatter me that I found myself in the category of the British, who noticed and appreciated, but no more. And not less, "the actor said. He also noted that so far does not want to build plans for further career and abandon current projects.

"I like a row horse: We subscribe to one project and focus on it completely. As if I had shores in my eyes, "said Page.

Regium Padda lean rumors that he is the next James Bond 22041_1

Earlier, Regue Jean, who often became a hero of bed scenes in Bridgerton, said how his relatives responded to such scenes with his participation. "We have a family chat in WhatsApp, I warned everyone about these scenes. But a couple of relatives missed my messages. They then told that every time an intimate scene began with me, they went to the kitchen to pour tea. "But we returned, - and there are still you!" - Shared actor.

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