Why did George Martin stop writing scripts for the "Game of Thrones" after the 4th season?


George R.R. Martin received worldwide fame as the author of the fantasy cycle "Song of Ice and Fire", which lay down the basis of the megapopular series "Game of Thrones". Moreover, for several years, Martin took an active part in the teleadaption of his works, but at the end of the fourth season, when the "Game of Thrones" began to deviate from the Roman Canva, he decided to delegate his part of the work to other scenarios. According to him, he did it so in order to concentrate on the literature and finally add the novel "Wind of Winter" from the same cycle.

Why did George Martin stop writing scripts for the

Martin has repeatedly stated that it is difficult for him to constantly switch between the work on the series and writing books. He told, on the scenario of one series he left for at least three weeks. Despite the fact that the "Game of Thrones" ended in May 2019, the novel "Wind of Winter" has not yet been published. In this regard, Martin said that in case he remained a screenwriter of the series to the very end, the release of the new book would be postponed at a later date.

Why did George Martin stop writing scripts for the

Although at a certain point, the Games of the Games of Thrones "David Benioff and Dan Wayrs stopped following the literary source directly, Martin's Titors were member as an executive opposing series. The writer kept Benioff and Waissa, in the course, in which direction will move the plot in so far not written parts of the saga, but still the brazers of the board did not belong to him.

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