Casting-spoilers: the creators of the "Games of Thrones" are looking for actors for the 6th season


Naturally, there are no names in the list, and the ads in the style "urgently requires an actor for the role of Eurone Grandgeoy" We will not see - but there are detailed descriptions for which it is not difficult to assume what role actors are looking for.

Judging by the description below, the same Euron Grandge on the nicknamed of the Voroniye of the eyes with a probability of 90% will appear in the 6th season:

"Pirate, a man aged 40-50 years old. Famous pirate terrorizing the sea and oceans. Ruthless, cunning, somewhat crazy. He looks very dangerous. "

Another hero of the "Song of Ice and Flame" cycle in the description below also to recognize it is not difficult - I ranched Tarli, Father Sam Tarlley. Judging by the description, the creators of the "Games of Thrones" are looking for the whole family in the 6th season:

"Father. Aged 50 to 60 years. He is one of the greatest soldiers of Westeros, a risk of strict discipline, without a sense of humor, strict and picky. It requires military discipline and on the battlefield, and in his home.

Mother. At the age of 50 with a small years. She is a sweet, chubby, loving mother, especially standing out one of his offspring.

Sister, aged 20 with a little. She is kind, friendly and simple girl.

Brother, aged 20 with a little. Athletically folded, good hunter, perfectly owns a sword, courageous, favorite child of the Father. "

Other descriptions are not so literal, and understand on them, what is the character, not so simple.

"The leading actress troupe, aged 40 with a little. She is an elegant actress of the mobile theater. Merry, charming, drinking rum. "

"Priestess. 20-30 years. Any nationality. She is beautiful, magnetically attractive, fervent. "

"Warrior, a high man aged 30-40 years old, a powerful physique."

In addition, in the 6th game of the Games of the Thrones, "there are several children's actors - perhaps, in the new season will appear some Flashback with the participation of the neosken Stark and his brothers or children of starks.

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