Photo: 44-year-old Shakira surprised the social network with a sharp change of image


The singer Shakira surprised the social network, posted on his page in Instagram records with a cardinal change of image. Now the performer, for several years, who went with long rusia hairs, who even became her business card, repainted in bright pink.

The celebrity shared two publications on a new image. On the first photo, it shines a new hairstyle, and the second entry is a short video on which Shakira in the home bathroom hard makes himself a hairstyle.

"Voila," the singer signed.

Fans were delighted with unexpected publications. In the comments, they shook a 44-year-old performer by compliments and admire the new hairstyle. According to the users of the network, the pink hair color decorates shakira, makes it younger and more attractive, and also perfectly refreshes and complements the image.

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"You look great, Shakira, you are very beautiful, love you," the fans write.

Other networking networks noted that the singer had long time to change her image and start experimenting with hairstyles. Shakira has not yet responded to the compliments of subscribers and their answers, but published several records of fans and their reaction in themselves in Storsith.

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