Beauty Secrets: Prica BACCA Backlight Priming Filter


Beauty Secrets: Prica BACCA Backlight Priming Filter 22440_1

I beat you quotes from the official website of the brand: "The tool creates a filter better than Instagram", "unearthly radiance for a whole day", "inspired by the" golden hour "in creating photos." Poetry! So thin in this sustainability. Maybe it is worth saving on copywriters and even slow down?

Okay, back to Earth to the Becca Backlight Priming Filter. Beautiful makeup without parabens, sulfates, phthalats, but with titanium dioxide (SPF factor - Sun protection), this is good. The primer is really pleasant moisturizes the skin and creates a smooth coating that the tone cream is well located. You can use as an independent product, the skin under it looks evenly shining and well maintained. Glossy. A smooth gloss remains and after applying a tone, the face looks smoother.

Beauty Secrets: Prica BACCA Backlight Priming Filter 22440_2

Suitable for any type of skin, including fat, but does not control the selection of sebum, so that this function should take on the tone.

Immediately I will say that in the photos, nothing can be seen. But there is an effect in life, especially with age makeup. T. K. Becca refers to the class of luxury cosmetics, it can be pamping like a loved one, buy to a wedding or an important event when you want to look especially good.

Beauty Secrets: Prica BACCA Backlight Priming Filter 22440_3

Photo: Kira izuru.

Makeup artist: Ksenia Yarteva.

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