"I have a small breast": 40-year-old Olga Kurilenko gave favorites on the network


The 40-year-old actress Olga Kurilenko complained about attacks on the network because of his thin. She toughly replied Hateert and told about their power system.

Olga who conquered Hollywood participated in a photo shoot for the Korean edition Harper's Bazaar. She put on a black latex costume, which, like a second skin, covered her body. After the publication of the snapshot in the social network, many subscribers expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the actress is too thin.

Kurilenko shared Haters and stated that he was not shyling her body and takes care of him.

"I constantly get condemning comments on what I am thinning ..." looks like a stick or skeleton "," you need to feed "," she has too little chest. " You would stick and tell a person who looks as if he is heavier than it should be that he is fat? I guess, many of you would not have done this, because it would consider it cruel ... I have a small breast. But it is natural, beautiful shape, and I am proud of it, "Olga said.

The actress does not adhere to strict diets, but correctly chooses products so that the body has managed to burn the resulting calories. She has long refused white bread and fast food and only sometimes allows themselves some sweets.

"I love food. My metabolism is so fast, I burn everything. I have to eat more often, and sometimes more than a normal person. I eat not only breakfast, lunch and dinner. I even eat between meals, otherwise I am very tired, I do not have enough energy to work, and I easily irritate, "the star admitted.

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