Ann Hathaway apologized to disabled people for the pain of the film "Witches"


In the new film of Robert Zeekis "Witches", the main character that Ann Hathaway is played, appeared with three-hand hands, which turned out to be similar to the real anomaly - ecritaractyl.

The fact that the character actresses is also negative, caused the perturbation of some viewers. Discharges of the rights of persons with disabilities are concerned that after this film, the audience may be worse to treat people with such a feature.

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Recently, Ann spoke about it in his Instagram and apologized.

"I learned that many people with the features of the limbs, especially children, experienced pain due to the fact that the witch is depicted with three fingers. I do everything possible to be a sensitive to the experiences of others, because it is not to hurt others - this is the basic level of decency to which we all should strive. As a person who really hates cruelty, I must apologize to you for the caused pain. I apologize. I did not realize it when I was presented to me the appearance of my character. If I understood it immediately, I assure you, that would not happen, "the actress wrote.

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Separately, she apologized to children and their families: "In particular, I want to apologize to children with the features of the limbs. Now I understood everything. And I should also apologize to everyone who loves you, as I love my children. Sorry, what insulted your families, "summed up Ann.

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