Chloe Market admitted that she wanted to become an actress after the film "Breakfast at Tiffany"


"I was seven or eight, maybe nine, and I remember, for the first time I looked at the" breakfast at Tiffany. " I remember how I laughed and cry at the same time. I remember this feeling and emotion, thanks to which I learned much more about myself. I wanted to learn how to call the same emotions in other people so that they could open something new in themselves, "the forward told.

Audrey Hepburn in "Tiffany Breakfast"

Chloe Market admitted that she wanted to become an actress after the film

Without less revelation, the scenario of the film Nile Jordan "in the arms of lies" was the scenario. The actress noted that this thriller "turns the genre in such a way that makes it much more exciting."

"When I just got acquainted with this project and learned that all the main roles perform women, it reminded me of a movie" away. " In the sense that this is the birth of the genre, "the star described his impressions.

Chloe Market admitted that she wanted to become an actress after the film

"In the arms of lies" tells about a young girl moving to Manhattan. She meets the mysterious woman, a widow, which takes her under his custody. However, soon the heroine notes that something is wrong with her new acquaintance, and their friendship turns into obsession.

The film premiere will take place on March 21, 2019.

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