At 76-year-old Robert de Niro sued the Harassment and discrimination


The claim for $ 12 million was charged with 76-year-old Robert De Niro his former assistant Graham Chase Robinson. She claims that de Niro behaved in relation to her hostile, insulted, called the "grudge" and obscene words. Also, the ex-worker accuses the actor in Harassment and discrimination against gender.

25-year-old Graham Chase Robinson got a job to Robert de Niro in 2008 as an assistant. However, cooperation ended with a scandal. In August of this year, the actor filed to her, demanding to recover 6 million dollars. According to the actor, Robinson used a company credit card for personal spending, and during the working time for four days revised 55 episodes of the series "Friends".

At 76-year-old Robert de Niro sued the Harassment and discrimination 24055_1
TMZ showed photos of victim

Robinson filed a counterclaim about Harasmente, pay wages and compensation for losses worth twice as large - 12 million dollars. Ex-assistant claims that the employer has repeatedly insulted, mentioning the "stereotypical duties of women," and also released "sexualized" comments.

"De Niro told her about his recipe Viagra - about his young mistress, while she was the same age with Robinson. He also offered the assistant to present it in the toilet. De Niro also suggested that Miss Robinson could become pregnant using sperm from his married man's colleague, "the lawsuit says.

The former employee told that De Niro was often in a drunken state and pounced on it, and also accused the actor that he did not take any action when one of his friends "slapped her back."

In confirmation of their words, the victim attached voice messages from the accused to the claim.

"You, damn, do not answer my calls? How dare you? You will be fired. How do you dare? "," Do not evil me, and I got angry, because I need this simple thing, and you need right now! ... You must be kidding, you are a spoiled child! "," De Niro told her, seasoning with insults.

When these messages were recorded, Graham did not disclose.

"Robert de Niro is one who holds for old morals. He does not accept the idea that men should refer to women as equal. He does not care that gender discrimination in the workplace violates the law. Miss Robinson is a victim of such a relationship, "says 19 pages in a suit.

At the moment, de Niro did not respond to charges nominated against him.

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