"Spies next door" and another 6 films that you should go to the movies


"Spies next door"

A regular pair of the suburbs is not so easy to stay along with Jones - their new incredibly beautiful and modern neighbors. Especially when it turns out that Mr. and Mrs. Jones are undercover agents ...

"Wuji: Curse of the Devil Board"

Spiritic Board Oyji has never been just a game. She served as the portal in the world of the dead. For centuries, she served gates between the world of living and the kingdom of the dead. But one day the spirits will come out of control, and the original evil will master the child's soul ...


The unexpected appearance of unidentified flying objects at different points of the planet turns the world into the thrill. The intentions of the aliens are not clear - the armed forces of the whole world are given in complete combat readiness, and the best minds of humanity are trying to understand how to talk with unkind guests. The government appeals for help to Linguist Louise Banks and Physics Jan Donneli to prevent a global catastrophe and find a common language with aliens. From now on, the fate of humanity is in their hands.

"Good boy"

The usual, it would seem, a week from the life of an unremarkable schoolboy, Koly Smirnov, turns into a series of incredible incidents: Kolya falls in love with the English teacher, someone sets up a school extension with new computers, and Dad says the family of the need to refuse night sleep, Why no one in the house could sleep and collect his thoughts. In addition, the daughter of the director, the senior student of Ksyusha, who decided that it was he who was speaking to school. It remains only a few days before the Saturday School holiday, where all the actors of this whirlwind of events should meet, and now a good boy Kole needs to have time to deal with their personal life, investigate arson and establish relationships with parents.

"Super Bris"

Brice gets a call with a request to help from a dusty friend Marius. Eccentric blond surfer rushes on the other side of the world to help break the buddy.

"Bremen Rogue"

Among the dried rivers and scorched forests, the kingdom was spread, where birds did not sing, there are no cows, and people live in constant fear and poverty. And all because 18 years ago, cunning and greedy ministers came to power as a result of the palace coup. The disobedience of new laws is cruelly punishable, and no one dared to reach royal security. Nobody, besides the noble robber of Trubin Hood, who robbed ministers and distributes a looted poor. And his faithful friends help him: Cat Sigmund, Dog Baskerville, Petruchcho Rooster and Oskina Gretchen. While the inhabitants of the kingdom are about him legends, and the ministers are ready to give any award for his head, the Togubin Hood himself dreams only to return the kingdom to the former prosperity.

"Love without rules"

In the city of Zarechensk, the wife often refused to husbands. When the problem covered the mayor of the city, Sergey Nikolayevich did not endure and began to act. With a relative of his wife, a local oligarch, they decide to re-refill built on the opposite bank of the Sanatorium River to the "Health Center". For which a businessman invites specially trained "Medical Personnel" from the capital. And already on the other side of the river, a boat is moored with pretty, young and very professional "nurses" and "nursing". Armed with binoculars, Zarechensky wives are pickyly consider competitors. What is the husband? Nading the front costumes and ties they sit in the boats and in a few minutes they turn out to be on the other side, among young, beautiful, stopy and not at all sorting girls. Other rules or vice versa, love without rules?

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